Dronster is a high-performance professional machine designed to work in the emergency sector to enhance operational safety and efficiency when working in risk situations. A remote control device that’s capable of working steadily at a constant speed for triple the squad performance.

Compact and powerful
A small-sized, resistant and powerful design to work safely and efficiently in hazardous areas.

Absolute versatility
A quick implement change system to be able to couple all sorts of tools (forestry weeders, trenchers, extinguishing monitors) depending on the type of emergency.

Range of movement
The front arm on the Dronster can be raised up to 3,3 feet and can carry up to 1763 lbs in weight.

Wildland fires
Structural/industrial fires
Chemical risks
Remote controlled
Safety and ease of driving is one of its main characteristics as it allows operators to work in a safe area in hazardous situations and/or on terrain with steep slopes.

Unbeatable quality
- Next-generation 59 HP Hatz engine
- Control electronics developed explicitly for the Dronster
- Chassis and sub-chassis with overturning protection
- Double cooling system (front and back) with self-cleaning control electronics
- 360º winch on the back to overcome the most demanding of situations
- Anti-grass and debris protective body with generalized maintenance openings
- The tallest chassis on the market to overcome obstacles such as stones and stumps
- A rear implement to couple all sorts of accessories such as shovels or rippers using the hydraulic pistons
- Front implement with a quick connection system

Works on the most demanding of terrain
From the height of the chassis to the base of the engine, every little detail has been carefully designed to overcome any obstacle. The front and rear undercarriage attack angles, along with the total height and fording capacity, make the Dronster unstoppable on difficult terrain.
Thanks to its size and power, Dronster can operate in smaller spaces without sacrificing on performance. The front implement gives it unique hoisting capacity to easily overcome the most complicated of obstacles.
Technical data sheet

With a compact design and weighing only 3196 lbs, the Dronster can be moved by air in helicopters or with compact double axle trailers with 2866 lbs on each axle.